Sovereign and public debt management

We assist States as well as parastatal and susnational entities to ensure that their financing needs and payment obligations are met at the lowest possible cost. It includes reducing their exposure to high interest rates, foreign currency and other risks. We help governments and States to ensure that their financing needs and payment obligations are at the lowest possible cost. It includes helping them reduce their exposure to interest rates, currency, and other risks.

We also assisted and represented sovereigns in their investors-State dispute settlement proceedings.

For over ten years Dr. Fall, co-founder of the Law Firm, has been teaching the Legal Aspects of Public Debt Management at the Geneva-based United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) as well as the West and Central Africa Central Bank's Pole Dette.

He also published several articles on the impact of Vulture Funds activities on African countries Public Debt Management. His publications include articles relating to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Principles of good governance of Public Debt Management as well as articles relating to the International Project for Public Debt Restructuration